Dinosaur Bone Jewelry?

One of the most distinctive and rare types of gemstones, dinosaur bone (a.k.a. gembone) is unlike anything else you’ll find in the jewelry world.

People think that dinosaur bone is a made-up and that any dinosaur bone jewelry is actually fake. Many say, isn’t dinosaur bone rare and expensive? Some even ask if it is illegal to use, especially in jewelry.

It is true, dinosaur bone (especially gem-quality bone) is very rare and an extremely unique addition to your jewelry collection. However, it’s not illegal or very expensive.

What’s Gembone Anyway?

Gembone refers to ancient bones (mostly dinosaur bones) that fossilized over long periods of time with minerals. Each individual cell has been fossilized with semi precious minerals, which then preserves the original cell structure of the dinosaur bone.

This means that the end result is a mix of fossilized bone and gem-quality minerals, making a unique new substance. Often these are described by the type of mineral found in them, for example, agatized dinosaur bone.

Gembone, like coral, amber and pearls are considered an organic material, that came from a living organism. Gembone specimens can be up to 150 million years old! Obviously dating from the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

How Does Gembone Look?

The appearance of Dinosaur bones vary depending on the type of minerals it has combined with. Many have elaborate textures, patterns and colors. Another reason the bone looks so unique is because of the minerals chromium and manganese.

The color of Gembone is typically reddish-brownish. However there have even been some found that are purple, green, orange and blue. Another great thing about gembone is they have colors and patterns mixed with dark lines and cells, which make the color of the stone pop. They can be polished which makes it ideal for a unique jewelry piece. The bones are typically cut en cabochon which shows off the unique patterns. 

Types of Jewelry that have Dinosaur 

Gembone can be found in charms, pendants, and other tumbled style jewelry. The most popular setting for dinosaur bone is in a ring band.

Many people these days are looking for something special when it comes to jewelry. The platinum and gold bands are just not cutting it anymore. Gembone is usually placed in tungsten rings and titanium. Some jewelers even pair the inlays with meteorite or other unique materials like whiskey barrel and blue opals. These fine jewelry pieces make for great talking points and they a truly one of a kind as no two rings are alike.

Where is Gembone found?

Dinosaur bones are found all over the world but they are not always gem-quality. The fossilized bones mixed with minerals, especially the agatized versions, are much more rare and sought after. The agatized patterned dinosaur bones are exclusively found in the United States, by the Colorado Plateau.

There are no restrictions on using fossils so using gembone is completely legal. Gembone can be owned and distributed without any issues, since no animal is being harmed to get them.

What is the cost of Gembone?

The prices vary, however they are not as expensive as some many expect. Dinosaur bone jewelry can cost an anywhere from $50 – $500 depending on the workmanship of the piece and uniqueness of the gem.

How to care for Dinosaur Bone jewelry

Gembone looks like it is extremely tough, that doesn’t mean that it won’t easily get damaged when exposed to big impact.  Although the metals that gembone is usually inlaid with is almost damage resistant like Tungsten. The actual bone inlay is a different story. 

Try not to expose your gembone to knocks or hard impact, this may can cause it to fracture (like any other rock)! Also avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, like chlorine, acidic substances, cosmetics, hairspray or bleach. To clean the jewelry just use water and mild soap.

Are there Metaphysical Properties to Gembone?

Just like most crystals, gembone also has a reputation for metaphysical properties. Some people have reported increased energy and vitality while wearing their gembone jewelry. Others have reported an enhanced memory and improved concentration.

Gembone is also believed to assist with enhancing relaxation and calmness. Especially in an acute situation of worry. If you have a piece of gembone jewelry let us know how it makes you feel. We are fascinated with this subject.